9 Kasım 2012 Cuma

Tis The Season Of Bad Decisions At Disneyland

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They are starting to mount up - the number of poor decisions by Disneyland Park Management for this upcoming holiday season:
Bad Decision #1Doing away with the traditional cast member holiday Christmas parties. Nothing brings good holiday cheer around the resort than cast members who have been callously jilted out one of the highlights of their hard working years.
Bad Decision #2Announcing a 20 night Candlelight Processional complete with dining packages to the public then turning around and having to admit that park management really didn't have a clue on how to properly implement a well designed plan around the CP events. It now comes down to invited VIPs and an annual passholder lottery system for seating. Everyone else, you are on your own.
Bad Decision #3No Reindeer Round-Up. Another Disneyland Christmas tradition tossed aside for unknown reasons. Maybe the transporting of the the magistic animals from their regular home in the Pacific Northwest along with the care and feeding of some rather large animals had just gotten to be a little too steep of price tag for a rather small park tradition. Maybe. You kids out there...go see Santa and pet a goat...
Bad Decision #4Billy Hill and Hillbillies taking their Holiday Spectacular to the outdoors (in freakin' December). You know December in Disneyland can be a bit nippy when you remain in one spot for a period of time, sometimes downright cold. And yes, it has also been known to rain like a son of a gun in Disneyland in December. On a cold, wet, day there was just something special about seeing Billy Hill and the Hillbillies do their holiday show in the warm confines of the Golden Horseshoe. Not this year as the Billies continue to play outside in the Festival Arena area. Burrrrrrr....

Bad Decision #5
Tacky ToonTown holiday decorations. I don't have much use for ToonTown myself but it was fun to walk around the place at Christmas time because of the whimsical holiday decorations. Well some wise park manager thought the decorations were in need of some change last year and instead of upgrading the ToonTown decorations, brought in some of the cheapest look holiday decorations this side of the sale aisle at K-Mart. Everyone who cared complained. Guess what? In their infinite wisdom, they brought back the same horrid cheesy decorations. Ugh!
It's November 6. Disney still has plenty of time to add to this list.....

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