17 Mayıs 2012 Perşembe

Disneyland Traveler Finally Sees The Avengers

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I've been excited to see Marvel's The Avengers for months now. I was not alone as 19 days after its world wide release and a week after its release in the United States, the movie has already raked in over a billion dollars in box office receipts. I had to hold off my viewing of the film at the theater because.....well.....I have a problem with crowded movie theaters and claustrophobia. Crowded theaters limit my ability to enjoy movies.
With that in mind, I saw the movie yesterday, a Monday afternoon. Mrs. DisneylandTraveler and I took in a 2:00pm matinee in a 3D theater with about 10 people watching the film including us. Just the way I like it. I had no doubt the movie would deliver the goods after reading other reviews the last couple of weeks. It did. Was it a great movie? Well, I wouldn't call it great but it was solid storytelling (almost like reading a comic book), very entertaining, and really pretty funny in spots since you can't take this stuff too seriously. Not a great movie but a very, very good movie that will keep most viewers riveted to the screen. 
The Hulk steals the scenes he is in with the mild mannered Mark Ruffalo giving the perfect counter balance to the raging monster. Robert Downey Jr. gets the best lines as always (though the wise guy act is wearing a little thin). The 2 Chris's - Hemsworth and Evans get to flex their muscles. And Scarlett Johansson is Scarlett Johansson for better or worse.
When the Blu-Ray home video packages come out in what my guess is mid September, Mrs. DLT has already said we are going to pick one up. This is the kind of movie where you just really want to see all the bonus features you can get. To get a large cast together to make a successful movie is never an easy feat. All credit goes to director Joss Whedon and Marvel producer Kevin Feige. Marvel runs a tight operation with their films and it shows with a classic movie experience that is The Avengers.
A billion dollars and counting. Disney's Bob Iger really did know what he was doing when laid out the big bucks to bring Marvel Entertainment and Marvel Studios under the Disney umbrella. These are fine days to be a Disney accountant.

PS - the scene that is shown after the credits is priceless. That's the poster I want to see.
Marvel's The Avengers is a solid E-Ticket movie. Can't wait for the ride.

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