30 Mayıs 2012 Çarşamba

One Year As The Disneyland Traveler

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Happy Memorial Day everyone. Before you move on to your holiday activities, don't forget to stop a minute and remember those who serve in the armed forces and those who have served and sacrificed in the preservation of our freedom. It's easy to overlook. Don't.
This is the one year anniversary for the Disneyland Traveler Blog. The first post was made on May 28, 2011. Are Mrs. DisneylandTraveler and I planning to go out and celebrate? Nah, I may go out and get a pizza for dinner. Half price night at the local Round Table.
To those who have read and spent some time with this blog over the last year, a sincere 'Thank You' is expressed to all. I don't know who all of you are but hopefully something in here gives you a few moments of enjoyment or provides something of interest. The good folks at Google (where this blogging tool comes from) provide some background statistics of how many people visit this site and its continued growth gives me some momentum for going forward. During the first month of its existence about 350 visitors stumbled on this blog, half of them I probably either knew or was related to. In this last month, there were about 3500 visitors to this blog and more than 14,000 views during the year. Wow! Again, I have no idea who reads this stuff but I am appreciative.
The whole purpose of the blog was to provide an outlet to share some thoughts about something that interested me - Disneyland and Disney as a whole. Not sure why as I do have other interests but Disney just seemed like a fun thing to write about. It also helps keep me young as the end of my life is much closer than the beginning now. Imagine, at my age, anytime I want I can write about a cartoon mouse or an ill tempered duck. My hope is to provide some information, some entertainment, some food for thought, if there is something in here you haven't agreed with what I may have said, I am perfectly OK with that. Sometimes I read something I wrote some time back and even I don't know where I was coming from. I have written a lot of things and I'm sure missed the mark many times but every once in awhile, I make a hit. I guess all of this is an exercise in writing skills and style and I'm not even getting graded for it.
I hope you continue to enjoy the adventures of The Disneyland Traveler. There's more to come. 

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