6 Mayıs 2012 Pazar

Envy Strikes! Sister Is Going To Disneyland

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So the little green monster rears its ugly head.  The Hulk?  Well, it is the opening weekend for The Avengers movie but in this case I’m not talking about our big green Hulkish friend.  The green monster  I’m talking about is called Envy and it goes something like this…My little sister calls me up about a week ago and says “we (her and her husband) are taking a trip down to Disneyland.  Would you like to join us for a few days?”  Stunned silence is followed by a myriad of racing thoughts and monetary calculations.  The answer to the question as to whether I want to make a trip to Disneyland is always ‘Yes!’ But ‘Yes’ ignores the realities of life sometimes.Reasons for not making a trip to Disneyland fall somewhere in here: 1) No time. 2) No Money. 3) Physically not up to it. 4) Other Priorities.  Sometimes there are combinations of reasons.  Mrs. DisneylandTraveler in I fall somewhere in a couple of those reasons right now.  As much as my heart and brain tells me to make a trip to Disneyland, life’s circumstances currently says ‘Not now buster’.  Darn It!So my sister is going to Disneyland. ‘Have fun, have a great time’ as I grit my teeth trying to keep the green monster under control.  So now comes another element to the envy story, the one that starts with a text message from her that reads something like this: ‘Just standing in line waiting to get on  (insert your favorite ride)’.  Now I get the wonderful opportunity to live vicariously through someone else’s trip.  Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Well, the answer is both.  Any connection to someone’s trip to Disneyland is a good thing. The bad thing is – I’m not there. Did I say –‘darn it!’ already? My sister is leaving for Disneyland tomorrow morning. She is stopping by my house first on her way down so that I make my contribution to her wonderful week. Mrs. DLT and I get to watch my sister’s dogs.I should be much more grown up about this, more mature, more gracious, but she’s going to Disneyland and I’m not – ‘Darn It!’.  Such is the life of the Disneyland Traveler.

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