6 Mayıs 2012 Pazar

Do We Really Need a Mr. Toad Movie?

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Disney is dead on determined to movies based on their classic theme park attractions hoping to catch lightning in a bottle like they did with their Pirates of the Caribbean franchise which has made over two billion dollars for the company. So in the works are movies based on The Haunted Mansion and The Jungle Cruise.  Yep, they made a Haunted Mansion movie before with Eddie Murphy in the lead but I guess they are promising to do it right this time. Anyway, deadline.com reported last week that Disney is in the initial stages of putting together a movie based on the Disneyland legacy attraction dating back to 1955 - Mr. Toad's Wild Ride which in itself was a part of another Disney movie (and book) The Wind in the Willows. Are you kidding me? Mr. Toad's Wild Ride. Now this ride does have its legions of fans, fans to the point that when they removed the Walt Disney World version of the ride they organized formal protests, but really, Mr. Toad's Wild Ride a movie? The ride isn't even 2 minutes long.
It's a ride that is based on everything that is counter to automobile safety. So you get to crash your motorcar through Toad Hall, run amok in the countryside terrorizing a farmer and his sheep, piss off the cops, run through a warehouse full of dynamite down at the docks, stop off to have a few beers along the way from your friendly neighborhood pub, and finally get sentenced for the mayhem you have caused by a nice warm trip to.... hell, that's right, Mr. Toad's Wild Ride ends in hell. Great family entertainment, should make a wonderful kids movie. The only saving grace in all this is the ride is so short with so much going on so fast that most people don't even know what the "hell", excuse the expression, just went on.
Pretty tough to video a dark ride, especially a dark ride as dark as Mr. Toad but Disneyland videographer asianjma123 posted this video recently to YouTube. Enjoy a trip on Mr. Toad's Wild Ride. Get back to me later on why this is a classic (and movie worthy material).

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